Thai Coconut Rice & A Wonderful Mothers Day

Happy Tuesday everyone!!! I hope y'all had a wonderful Mothers Day? I know I did. We really didn't do anything special but it was still a great day.

My husband and kids took me out for breakfast to my favorite place to eat, Cracker Barrel. The biggest decision was choosing to go out for breakfast or dinner.

I chose breakfast because I was in the mood for some good ole country food. I had the sunrise sampler with eggs, sugared ham, grits, hash brown casserole, fried apples and buttermilk biscuits.

Goodness it was a wonderful meal to say the least. Since there was a bit of a wait I got to browse around their gift shop. Of course I found a few things and they were on clearance as well (I always love that). I never come home empty handed from Cracker Barrel.

My Mackenzie was so thoughtful and used her $5 that she got from the tooth fairy to buy me a present. I thought that was so thoughtful of her.

She bought me a spoon rest and salt and pepper shakers. She paid for it at the register and had it tucked away in a gift bag all by herself. So Sweet!

Since I chose to go out for breakfast we decided to toss some chicken on the grill for dinner. Before we left for breakfast I started the marinade for the Soy Honey Chicken.

 I knew just what I wanted to serve with it, Thai Coconut Rice. I have to say I haven't had too much luck in the past when it comes to coconut rice.

For some reason it just never turns out for me. The end result is always really thick and gooey. Not what I wanted.

The other day I asked for some coconut rice advice on my face book fan page and received several positive comments and recipes. Thank you to everyone who commented.

I took two recipes and all the advice and came up with a pretty great version of my favorite rice. Everyone loved it including my daughter.

 I couldn't believe she liked the toasted coconut, because she dislikes so many foods due to their texture. So high five for me!!!!!!!!!! This coconut rice recipe is definitely a keeper.

I also wanted to show you two beautiful Mothers Day Cards my son Carson gave me. Both of them are so cute. On the the first one he had to answer a few question about me.

My mom always says: Thank you
My mom looks pretty when: She puts make up on
(I had to laugh at that one)
My mom likes to cook: Chicken
My mom makes me laugh when: She laughs
I love my mom because: She loves me

The second card had little bumble bee thumb prints on the front. And on the inside it said... My Mom is Thumbody Special. So sweet! I love to get homemade gifts that my kiddos make in school. They work so hard on making them and they mean so much to me. Before I go I wanted to include some step by step photos of how to make the Thai Coconut Rice.

Rinse the rice to remove the starch using a strainer. This will keep the rice from becoming gummy. Over medium heat add the oil to the bottom of a deep-sided pot. Make sure the pot has a tight fitting lid (this is a must here).

Add the rice and toast for about 5 minutes (just as you do for Spanish rice). Add the coconut milk, water, and sugar. Bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to low. Cook for 20 minutes stirring occasionally the first 5 minutes.

After 20 minutes turn off and remove from the heat. Cover with a dish towel and let the pot of rice rest on the stove for about 10 minutes. Fluff with a fork and stir in the toasted coconut and salt and pepper if desired.

Save a little of the toasted coconut for garnish.

Thai Coconut Rice

1 - cup jasmine, basmati or parboil rice, uncooked & rinsed

1 - tablespoon canola or vegetable oil
3/4 - cup coconut milk (half of a 13 oz can)
1 1/4 - cups water
2 - 3 teaspoons sugar
salt & pepper to taste
3 - tablespoons sweetened coconut, toasted
Rinse the rice to remove the starch using a strainer. This will keep the rice from becoming gummy. Over medium heat add the oil to the bottom of a deep-sided pot.

Make sure the pot has a tight fitting lid (this is a must here). Add the rice and toast for about 5 minutes (just as you do for Spanish rice). Add the coconut milk, water, and sugar.

Bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to low. Cook for 20 minutes stirring occasionally the first 5 minutes of cooking time.

After 20 minutes turn off and remove from the heat. Cover with a dish towel and let the pot of rice rest on the stove for about 10 minutes.

Fluff with a fork and add a the toasted coconut. Garnish with additional toasted coconut.

How to toast Coconut: I just added the coconut to a small pan (make sure it is dry) and toasted the coconut over medium heat until lightly browned. Spread on plate until ready to use.

adapted from: group recipes

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