Recipe: Roasted Onion, Potato, and Cabbage Soup

Roasted Onion, Potato, and Cabbage Soup 1
Cool weather comfort, healthy & filling, garnished with a sprinkle of spring chives.

Thunder is rumbling overhead, raindrops are tapping on The Shack's old tin roof (something I never get tired of listening to), and today's forecast is calling for highs in the 30s, with freezing drizzle and snow flurries on the way.

I love this kind of weather. It makes me want to spend the day curled up next to the woodstove with a vintage quilt and a good book, a beagle pup snoozing quietly nearby (he does stop chewing on things once in a while), and something warm and comforting simmering on the stove.

Spring may have sprung, with 80 degree days last week, but cozy quilt and soup season are thankfully still hanging on. And while farm life doesn't quite lend itself to spending the day on the couch, and the beagle pup laying nearby just loudly crunched on a plastic clothespin (where does he find these things?), making homemade soup is something we can handle.

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