Race day?
The baby alarm went off this morning at 6:30 am and I looked out the window to see a snow storm. It's a good thing I signed up for a 5 mile race the night before! Spring starts tomorrow, can you tell?
Here's how the race went:
Mile 1: 6:59
Mile 2: 7:22
Mile 3: 7:21
Mile 4: 7:41
Mile 5: 7:41
Total: 37:20
I missed Bloomsday 2nd seed qualification by :20. The girl in the finish shoot ahead of me asked the race official, "Where do I sign up for Bloomsday? I just qualified for 2nd seed!" Ouch. That hurt. Perhaps a little discipline with pacing would have helped me this morning, that was quite a fade at the end.
Live and learn but you can't learn if you aren't out there living!
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