Stuff I DIDN'T Feed Brian

Meat! Mwahahah!!!

I apologize to any vegetarians that take offense to this, but I <3 meat. I know all the bad effects and implications of the meat industry, but nothing replaces a delicious, seasoned, juicy sausage.
After a couple weeks of meat-free due to Brian, I had a breakdown at the grocery store and frantically bought a pack of precooked italian sausage. I made sure that it was organic, grass fed, yadda yadda yadda. But it was meat and it fulfilled my craving.
So the past few days, when Brian is out of the house, I have had a sausage for lunch and it has been GLORIOUS!
Todays treat included:
1 precooked italian sausage
1 sliced of onion cut up in small chunks
1 piece of gf bread cubed
3 handfuls of organic spinach and arugula mix

First saute the onion for a few minutes on med-high in a lil bit of water
Slice up sausage and toss em in once the onions get softish (I like a lil crunch still)
once the sausage gets a bit crisped up throw in the bread cubes
Once those crisp up a bit turn off the heat and stir in the greens
I of course seasoned it a lil more with crushed red pepper, but for most palates I'm sure the sausage is spiced enough

Why bread cubes you may ask? Well if you've ever tried to eat GF bread, you know it sucks and is near impossible to eat as a sandwich cause it just falls apart and is super dry. This was a yummy way to get some carbs to balance out the protein, without the mess and nasty texture that entails when pretending that GF bread is sandwich worthy. 

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