Dream the impossible dream! 7:20
I just loaded some photos online from Liam's modeling session a few weeks ago, go check them out! Four different photographers took photos of Liam at Danielle Anthony's studio during a training session on lighting. Super precious and fun.
I had to move out of my office at work this week and help with moving a bunch of other people too, they are remodeling our office again. I will be working from home for the next 4-6 weeks minimum. I plan to go into the office MWF and show my face, otherwise, I will be home. Bill works from home so we will have to split the house somehow so we don't drive each other insane. I have an amazing office at OSU with a wall of windows but I voluntarily gave it up so a full time person can have it. It doesn't make sense for a part time person to have such a sweet office. When I return, I won't have a single window.
My lane mate in swim class sabotaged me today, she told coach I wanted to swim 500 for time before I showed up for class. I was surprised coach called 500 for time until he let it out that someone requested it. Luckily, I seem to be over 500 swim anxiety and I *seem* to be able to bang it out now without freaking out. I swam another huge PR and finished in 7:20 which I was proud of, that's 15 seconds faster than last time. I think if I keep working I should be able to drop some more time without too much trouble. I'm finally starting to swim what I'm capable of, what was I doing before?
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