Sleeping pill

Swimming talk first and then we'll get on to the baby pics! Things are going well in the pool even though I usually can't stay for the entire swim due to work and daycare. On Friday we had a 12 minute warm-up and then we got to see how far you could swim in 15 minutes. Of course I lost count of laps (I am sleep deprived if this is your first visit here) but I needed the continuous swimming since I haven't exactly trained for this 1.2 mile swim I want to do while we are in Maui. Next we swam 20 x 50 on 1:00 and I held :45 pace easily enough. I'm not going to say my face wasn't red but I held it together. Today we swam 12 x 100 on 1:45 and I held 1:30 pace for most of the 100s so it looks like there are no more excuses for me to not swim a 500 in 7:30. I just need to find time to do it. It wasn't that long ago that my 100 pace was 1:45, now that's my take off time, so I'm happy to report I'm swimming faster than ever post baby! Yeah!

Last night I took 1/2 of a sleeping pill and went to bed at 9pm since I had not slept in about a week. Even when Liam is sleeping well, I still wake up because I'm so used to waking up with the baby. The past 2 nights he has only woken up once, but the days leading in were brutal. Bill took over for me last night, thank you honey!

If you think this looks cute, you should come over at 12:30am, 2:30am, 4:30am and 6am.

Liam giving his crib a raspberry. That's actually pretty cute.

Playing with a baby doll.

Notice smiley boy's tongue, it's constantly touching that tooth that is coming in. Poor guy!

There are some airplane tickets to Maui burning a hole in my pocket!

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