That's it! Food is getting my attention now. I'm working on eating healthy foods and in a way that is better for the environment. Starting with breakfast, I used to just eat cereal and run out the door to go get a latte and I would be hungry again within an hour of getting to work. Now that I'm getting up earlier with baby, the excuses are over. No more lattes and no more cereal, I'm feeding myself a full meal everyday. I could use some new ideas for breakfast though if you have any. Today was oatmeal and a berry smoothie with coffee made with a coffee press and warm frothy milk. Good and filling. I didn't need to eat again until 11am when I had a slice of cheese and some Triscuts before swimming.

We're eating as much organic fruits and vegetables as we can, including frozen for things that are out of season. Even Liam is getting in on the act, helping himself to some organic peas. mmmmm! Yes it is more expensive and yes I know this stuff is a marketed product targeted at people like me who are willing to buy it. But it's better for the environment and we can afford organic so we're going to vote with our dollars.

We watched the documentary
Food, Inc last night and it solidified what I was already starting to feel about meat and processed food that is offered in grocery stores. This is not a political blog so I won't get into the politics of food processing in the US, but see Food Inc if you are interested in how things get to your grocery store. Tonight I made quinoa for the first time and planned to serve it with grilled shrimp but when I went to the store the only thing they had was farmed shrimp from Thailand which didn't sound good at all. But I found some frozen clam chowder from a restaurant on the Oregon coast which is as good as local can get. We made the quinoa as a pilaf, if you haven't had it before, you make it just like rice. Quinoa contains a balanced set of amino acids which makes it a complete protein source. We'll have the leftovers with teriyaki chicken tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it.
It looks like this food rampage will take some effort, if you have any great tips or recipes to help me, I would appreciate it. I don't have a ton of time to research stuff but I'm really enjoying cooking and I do feel better now with the big breakfast in the morning.
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