The world through prescription sunglasses

I picked up new prescription sunglasses today that will be awesome for cycling, a luxury I wouldn't normally afford myself except I had over $1,000 in an HSA that I had to spend down in a hurry. I had been squirreling away money ($150/month) to pay for the delivery of the baby but the bill never came. I finally called the hospital and they said, "Your balance is paid in full, there is nothing to pay." This after they quoted me a minimum of $1000 for the delivery back when I was pregnant. Whatever, now I have sweet sunglasses and two new crowns for my teeth that will be installed next month.

I had a plan to take my new shades for a bike ride this afternoon but when I went to get ready I realized my bike shoes were still wet from when Bill hosed me down a few days ago. It's not quite warm enough to bike in wet shoes (low 50s) so I switched gears and took my new shades for a run. By then Liam was napping so I was on my own. I always run with baby in the stroller so this was going to be a lonely but faster run without him.

Yo what up homey? I took Liam to my office today dressed like a gangsta rapper. My old boss is still babysitting him during her lunch hour on Wednesdays. Today I threw some weights around in the gym while he charmed the office ladies.

I wish I could say the run went great, I loved the view with the new shades (trees have leaves? Not blurry blobs?) and started off feeling like Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading. It didn't last though, I'm just too heavy still. It felt like I was running into a headwind but there was no wind. Just jiggle. There's no jiggle on the bike, maybe I will become a cyclist after all.

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