Saying goodbye to the old.

This year my most prolific summer crops have been our courgette, cucumbers and strawberries.

Our courgettes are done with no more flowers coming so I pulled them out today, the same with our cucumbers. The few that were still left on the creeper were all stung and were given to the chickens to enjoy.

Today I planted lettuce greens, radish, spring onions and cos lettuce. These were seeds on a tape that my mom got me. They are so easy to simply dig a furrow and lie the tape in and cover. They are spaced for you which means that you don't have to thin out. The tape decomposes in the soil. She also bought me lots of summer vegetable which will have to wait a few months.

Yesterday at the Go Natural Expo I saw a similar thing to this called Reel Gardening. They have taken the concept a little further and offer an instant solution to a new veggie gardener. I thought that their concept was truly inspired!

Other things that I saw at the Expo which are tempting are these stacked pots. Fabulous for small spaces and also for patio gardens.

Then recently I was reading in Food From Small Spaces about sprouting. I am a bit lazy when it comes to eating sprouts....but this kitchen counter system looks like a fabulous idea to get nutrient packed greens growing indoors.

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