
Bill made some chai tea for me this morning and I think that was the first time I've had caffeine in over a year. I felt awesome! Typically, I set a goal to get one thing done in a day, like a load of laundry since this little baby is so time consuming. Today I made cookies, visited with a friend, vacuumed while the baby snoozed in the baby bjorn, sterilized baby bottles, washed the dishes, hung up my winter wardrobe, put on jeans (instead of pajama bottoms), brushed my teeth before 11am, went to the bank, went to Kmart for a bottle warmer and cooler, went to the grocery store, made banana bread, cooked dinner, used the breast pump, returned friend's dishes who had cooked dinner for us and gave them cookies from this morning, visited with a friend and her baby, went for a 45 minute walk, handled various emails, and now I'm blogging.

I'm just waiting for this precious child to wake up, he seems like the perfect child now that I have energy to get things done. woo hooo! I think I will restore some small amounts of caffeine to my life so I can get more than one thing done in a day. I feel like I could solve the nation's national security issues while cooking a 4 course meal. What do you bet I crash off this high soon?

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