Starting 2nd Grade---Promises Not Kept

Well, he started school, and he was in 2nd grade, but he had the same teacher because his class was a combined gifted 1st/2nd grade classroom. The first month went by and I didn't hear anything from the teacher about meeting or setting up something. I was patient. I figured I'd let school get going first.
Then another month was slowly creeping by, and by now I figured no meetings or appointments were going to be made. Maybe they weren't needed? From last year's "special ed" meeting, they had put MJ into speech, and a speech pathologist was working with him on a weekly basis, but besides that, there were no other accommodations made.
OK, maybe he didn't need any. Maybe everything was working out. Maybe I was still in denial. Maybe I thought MJ didn't have any problems anymore. Maybe he had grown out of it?
I suppose I should have been the one that requested a meeting, or said, "hey, didn't you say you were going to do this or that, or what about that word processor thing?" But at this time in my life I was 9 months pregnant and expecting our 4th child. I didn't have the energy, so I just waited to see if I would hear anything.
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