Ha! I almost got it together!

Bill found the camera cable and I think I fixed the ads. Drama over. We had a busy weekend, Friday I had cocktails with the girls downtown in Corvallis. We ended up at a wine bar for wine and chocolate fondue so of course it was a wonderful time. Saturday we were up early for a walk/run then drove up to Salem for Bill to play disc golf while I shopped (quickly) at Nordstom. Then we went to Casey and Bridgette's famed wine tasting party. Everyone brings a bottle of wine which is put in a cover and set out for people to blindly taste. You guess which type of wine it is from a provided list. We tasted 7 reds and one white. You also vote for your favorite wine. In the end, the cheapest bottle of wine $2.50 won for best tasting and the host won for the most correct guesses. I got 4 (lucky) and Bill got 3 (really lucky). Fun times!

Sunday we went to church for the 1st time as a couple (I'll get into this later) and then I made a quicky turkey dinner while Bill and another couple watched football. I didn't sit down to relax all weekend until 7pm on Sunday. Now you know why there haven't been any posts!

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