Watch it wiggle

We had a great walk/run tonight, typically I pressure myself so much to run farther and faster, it's nice to take it slow. I'm starting to feel that great tired feeling you get when you TRAIN! Tomorrow I'm skipping swim class and doing a workout with Bill, I'm swimming 5 x 100 for time with the goal to make the last 100 the fastest and he'll swim 1.2 miles for time. I've never negative split 100s before, we'll see how that goes, I will post my times here to keep myself motivated. Bill wants to get in peak swim shape for next season so I'm scheduling swims for myself to get him to the pool.

We've got some fun things coming up, the university is having a special dinner on Thursday for our swim coach who has been at the university for 50 years! I think we'll even dress up a bit for the dinner. Friday we'll be attending a party for friends to say good luck at Ironman Florida.

Wonderful thing today: the weather was in the 60s and I got to run after work in shorts. The leaves on the trees have all turned and I'm wore shorts! I kind of missed my tights though, they tend to keep the jiggle under control better.

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