Oooohh la la

Normally I'm not the type of person that brags about watching foreign films but I happened to have lucked into a good pick on Netflix and wanted to share it with you. "After the Wedding" was one of the better films we've seen, here is the review:

To save the failing orphanage he runs in India, Danish transplant Jacob Petersen (Mads Mikkelsen) returns to his homeland to meet a self-indulgent businessman named Jørgen who's offered a generous donation -- and who represents everything the noble-minded Jacob abhors. Complicating matters further are the unusual strings Jørgen has attached to his so-called gift. Rolf Lassgård co-stars in this Oscar-nominated emotional powerhouse of a drama.
Loved it! Well acted and a compelling story and no it isn't a chick flick wedding movie.

I also lucked into a good book pick "Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell" by Susanna Clark. I was speed browsing through the discount section at Borders and had this book in my hand when a clerk spotted me and insisted I get the book. She was right, I love a well written book like I love my dog (well almost) and this one is good!
The book is set in an alternate 19th-century Britain, during the Napoleonic Wars. The story is based on the premise of magic returning to England after hundreds of years of desuetude, and the tumultuous relationship between two fictional magicians of the time. The story incorporates historical events and people into its fictional alternate reality.
I have been falling behind on sleep between movies and reading and everything else. But doing well without the fertility drugs. We got a fertility monitor last month, it tracks your fertility levels throughout your cycle (I would recommend this to anyone trying to conceive) and last month the thing was all lit up with high fertility levels right from the start. This month the poor thing is stuck on low. I guess the drugs do work. Putting that out of mind now and getting ready to fill some fabulous orders! Cheers!

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