
Napoleon is a dog about town. Seriously, I don't know if it's his lack of knees or his fun personality but every time we hang out with him we're always entertained. He's Marshall's buddy, Bill plays disc golf with Napoleon's dad and they live a few blocks from us so we run into them frequently.

Yesterday we were down at the river, Bill and Marshall went for a down stream swim while I rode the mtn bike. They probably swam about 3/4 of a mile, not too far but enough to make me nervous given the current at certain sections. Bill also went for a bike ride with his buddies yesterday morning while I stayed home and cleaned. Yes, he does have all the fun right now. That's OK though, he's about to start painting the interior of the house for me again. We have the living room done and I LOVE IT so I can't wait for him to finish.

Today is our anniversary but we are celebrating tomorrow with a trip to the coast to the location where Bill proposed to me. I promised to buy him some clam chowder, last time we bought some to share and I basically ate all of it, it was SO good. They serve it with garlic bread, I can't wait! MMMMmmmm!

I got some slightly bad news Friday, my Dr. called with the results of my progesterone test and she said it was borderline. High enough for me to have ovulated but if I am pregnant than I will have to take a progesterone supplement which she wanted me to come pick up immediately. Of course I got a little freaked out by the message but I got it in time to pick up the meds before the long weekend. Another bend in the road.

I'm going to post something sappy tomorrow to celebrate our wedding!

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