You either get it or...
I bet you've never seen a photo of a cat in a box before. It's still cute though isn't it!
I've skipped swimming all week so I don't wear down my body and ultimately cause an iron deficiency. My body needs iron right now so I've been eating red meat and even drank real prune juice last night (it was nasty!) I miss swimming so much, it really hurts my general feeling of wellness to not do my regular exercise schedule.
One of my active friends is pregnant and getting pretty far along. Someone said to her, "You might as well forget that bike riding because you're not going to have time for that anymore!" Oddly, on that very same day I was thinking about how fun it will be for me to babysit for her while she goes out riding with her husband.
People who don't exercise regularly think it's a burden and a mis-prioritization or waste of time. Sometimes it's the only escape or quiet time people who exercise have and it really rejuvenates the soul. It's like telling someone who loves music to stop listening, which is totally ridiculous. It takes the life out of people, it's a passion. Now if that person listens to music obsessively and goes on marathon trips to seek out music then that's a more delicate topic (i.e. Ironman) My personal feelings on it are that once I'm done having a baby I will still need time to myself and a good run will work wonderfully. The faster the better, I intend to comeback and comeback fast. But first, there's the waiting.
Have a great holiday weekend! We will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary so look for some corny love post this weekend.
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