These photos aren't great, there is no natural light in this bathroom but we did the best poor man's remodeling job we could. Bill painted and I made a piece of "art" to hang up which is actually a photo of a shadow of a plant that I took while we were in Phoenix. I ran the photo through Adobe Photoshop with some special effects and printed it on our color printer and framed in a fancy $10 frame from Target. Bamo! Project #1 done.

We're painting the interior of our house and doing little things throughout in case we have to sell but also in case we stay. I can't tolerate builder beige for another minute! Bill is doing all of the painting and I've been running to the paint store for samples daily. We're a good team. I like how that works out for me.
Last night we had another rough night with the dog. We let him sleep on the bed since he was moping around in the evening and about 3am he woke us up with some raucous puking. Then he puked again a bit later so Bill and Marshall went downstairs and I managed to get some sleep after that but this hasn't been the best week for sleep. Marshall is fine today by the way. We switched his food, I think he was allergic to something in the new food we bought him.
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