Crazy swim workouts
We've had a rough summer in swim class, our substitute instructor is just as crazy as our regular guy only this new guy likes free as much as the old guy likes IM. The worst main set we've done this year:
All free
400 (beat 400 time above and check 300 time) rest :10
300 (beat 300 time above and check 200 time) rest :10
200 (beat 200 time above and check 100 time) rest :10
100 (beat 100 time above and check 50 time) rest :10
50 (beat 50 time above)
That was a very tough day. First there is the math factor that is probably more challenging for me to keep track of than the actual swimming. I needed a spreadsheet to figure out what I was supposed to be doing.
The OSU triclub is getting gearing up to put on the Beaver Fever Duathlon on Oct. 18th. It's a challenging race but worth the effort. This should be the last event of 2007 where I am a vendor. I might miss it a little but I think the time off will be good for me too.
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