The slow rolling boil of stress

We got home from our road trip to perfect 85 degree weather and hit the local Saturday Farmer's Market for organic tomatoes, cucumber, and enough lettuce to make salads all week for $5. I got coffee and garlic bagels (my fav) and we took the dog for a walk on the local trails. The kitty cats are busy sunning themselves on rocks and hiding in the backyard all day, they won't come in the house again until after dark. Bill and I spent the weekend at home, cleaning house and doing yard work, taking naps while to Le Tour played in the back ground. This is the life that I love.

Then Monday came, time to go back to work and slowly the stress started creeping back in... "Erika! When are you going to have the fiscal year end numbers ready? Erika! Can you get that printer moved and get all of us connected to it, today? Erika! What is the status of that web project?" Then Bill calls, "Are you going to meet me for swimming at noon?" We have an temp summer instructor who is well known locally and bless his heart, I told him that I was a triathlete swimmer, and he said, "Let's see it" and after I swam 50 yards for him he said, "You don't swim like a triathlete at all." I wanted to give him a big wet hug. Unfortunately, he was only pointing out that I am streamlined pushing off the wall and don't take big long breaths. Not going to win any triathlons with those skills. The rest of my swim is a weak mess.

After swimming I'm back at work trying to shake off the post swim fog when round two of the Erikas! starts again. I get home and panic that I have to get ready for the Valley Girl triathlon at Liberty Lake, WA this weekend. I'm low on women's tees and since this is an all women's triathlon I need to order those and get them shipped 2nd day and I need to beg my embroiderer to get everything done at the last minute because I let everything go for the week. Right after I ordered the women's tees I got a web order for a bunch of women's tees but in sizes I hadn't ordered so I had to make another order (!) fast. You should all start your own web business, I highly recommend it.

Then there are friends we've neglected and parents to call and people to email and THIS is why I get stressed. I like everything I do but there's too much of it to do. By the end of the day I'm tired and can barely put together a comprehensible sentence. (witness: blog) And! And!!! My mom informed me that it's supposed to be 107 in Spokane tomorrow.

Somebody shake me! Slap me! Throw me down a steep embankment. I want to lay in the brush and hide for a while. I should just go hide in the back yard with the kitty cats. That's exactly what I am going to do.

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