Ninja Warrior

Bill found this highly entertaining show somewhere on satellite tv and we are enchanted by it. Ninja Warrior is an obstacle course competition that requires incredible core and upper body strength. Very few people make it through the course and the athletes are everything from olympic level to gas station attendants. The course looks very dangerous, and if you fall it is in a pit of brown water. The competitors are typically very serious about completing the course and some have trained quite extensively. I think only two people have ever finished all of the stages (as far as we know so far, we are getting caught up on episodes thanks to DVR).

My favorite part is the athlete introduction and the narrating. People show up wearing outfits that show their career, a financial analyst would try to complete the course wearing a suit and the narrator would crack jokes about his career while he falls into the water. We've been watching it before bed so I'm waiting for some crazy ninja warrior fertility drug induced dreams. I'll let you know! Watch the show if you can find it!

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