Swinging with the moods

Today is big for me because today I start taking the fertility drug Clomid. I will not bore (or disgust) everyone with the details but Clomid is generally the first thing a Dr will prescribe to couples were are having trouble conceiving and is considered a cheap method to kick start fertility. Hopefully it will trick my body into thinking that it doesn't have enough estrogen so it will over produce it and cause me to ovulate. One of the side effects is mood swings and I hear you can also get headaches. I will take the drug for 5 days so I might be on the express train to crazy town this week and may avoid blogging if that is the case.

In case you are wondering how I feel now, I guess I feel great. I gave my best effort to get my body to a healthy place: I quit running, gained weight, cut caffeine, alcohol, and sugar and did light exercise daily. I tried to reduce stress, charted my temps, took a prenatal vitamin and ate healthy. I kept it up for 6 months and never once did I see a positive ovulation test. I got plenty of faint lines, but my body just wasn't there so now we give it a chemical push. By the way, the Doc cannot tell you why you don't ovulate so unless you have 10 years to try a bunch of methods, Clomid is the place to start.

If you would have told me six months ago that I would have to go down this road then I would have been devastated but today, I'm alright. It's out of my hands now and even though I have control freak related tendencies, I know when to let it go. So I won't talk about this for a while and plan to focus on puppies and kitties and the weather and all the other mundane things that make my life good. Please hope (and pray) for us! Or at least wish that I get really hugely fat from being pregnant!

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