
I had a wonderful time at tri camp again this year and I am happy to be home with the funny farm and appreciate the good cheer that my husband and animals give me.

Meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends was totally worth it and I feel renewed and motivated to keep-on-keeping-on and trying to become a better version of myself. We had some great conversations this past weekend and one thing I am contemplating is the topic of warts! One of the girls said there are people who don't ever want you to see their warts, or they point you to one specific wart and say, "Look at this wart! What do you think of that?" but really it's just a tactic to get you to not see their other warts.

Hmmm. I don't know if I want to see people's warts and if they are looking for mine, are they easy to spot? There's a free podcast on "This American Life" called "My Reputation" and it's stories about people who discover what others think of them is not what they think of themselves. Something to consider. I had some wart spotting incidents last year during our wedding that I'm still not over and I am certain now that things would be better for everyone if the warts stayed hidden. I know, our flaws are what make us unique, but can't we all just be unique in positive ways? I guess not.

I try not to underestimate the value of a positive attitude which I think is especially important when surrounded by turmoil. The things that are beyond our control, such as the shootings at Virginia Tech are terrifying because we trust in eachother that things like this won't happen, but they do, and what can be done about it?

Whatever you believe, I hope that you find comfort in it and that you will be gentle to those around you and appreciate the life that you are privledged to lead.

Oh, and if you're still reading... we're 0-5 on trying to get pregnant. I hope I have something positive to share with you soon.

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