#BibliomaniacsBookClub #May #Paperlight #Reservoir13 MAY'S BIBLIOMANIA IS FOR RESERVOIR 13 by JON MCGREGOR published by Forth Estate April 6th 2017 What is it about? From the awa… Monday, May 1, 2017 Add Comment Edit
#BibliomaniacsBookClub #May #Paperweight #ADangerousCrossing #RachelRhys MAY'S BIBLIOMANIA is for A DANGEROUS CROSSING by RACHEL RHYS published by Transworld 23rd March 2017 WHAT IS IT ABOUT? 19… May 01, 2017 Add Comment Edit
Yes but which books do I really need to read? #April #Top5 So I've been told I read too much - who knew?! "I love your posts," they said, "but there's so many great … May 01, 2017 Add Comment Edit